Monday, April 06, 2009

20 anniversary challenge.

2009 is the year when Rogaland Quiltelag will celebrate our 20 year's anniversary.
Hipp Hipp Hurra!

The RQL-board wanted to do something special and invited every member to a challenge. A small piece of red fabric were handed out to all of us together with a informing letter.

The challenge is to make a quilt (or anything at all made of fabric) where this red fabric is recognizable at our meeting in October.

This should be easy. Such a lovely fabric. I have started my contribution. I am not going to tell you until later what this’ll be, but I believe some of you recognize the flower.


Rita Tjelta said...

Dette blir spennende. Flott bakgrunnstoff LOL!!
RBR ble flott!!
See U later, sweetie :))

Lappedamen said...

Dette hørtes spennende ut, Nina. Tror jammen jeg skal adoptere denne ideen. Sølvtråden lappelag på Kongsberg har 10 års jubileum i år.
God påske. Hilsen Eva på Kongsberg