Friday, March 20, 2009

Hotel rooms are nice :o)

When you arrive they are so clean and tidy. The bed is done and there are no clothes lying around. No kitchen to tidy, no family to feed, no laundry, no dog to walk. I could go on forever :o)

Anyway, when I get the opportunity I spend some productive hours on my own. I do enjoy an evening or two in a hotel room.

This time I brought along two of my UFO’s
Then I combined them into one.
Now it is handed in to be quilted.


Ati said...

I didn't know they have sewing machines and iron boards in hotel rooms ;-)
But I come never in hotels. LOL
The quilt top looks very nice!

annemariesquilt said...

Heia så flott quilt du holder på å lage.. Hmmm det hotelrommet skulle jeg gjerne vært på, du er jo fantastisk produktiv!!!


Takk for fin kommentaren på bloggen min. Fint teppe du har laga, slik hotell med syaskin og strykebrett vil eg og feriere på.