results in 3 gifts + one extra for those who told about my Giveaway at their own blog.
And the winners are.....
One second...
This has been so exciting. I know from my own experience that you find nice blog’s around the Internet by surfing from one blog to another. It gives you a lot of inspiration and ideas. And by doing this I hope I’ve made my self a lot of new friends and that you all will come back to visit, and that my blog can bring you candy for your eyes and inspiration for your hands and heart. You are certainly my source of the kind.
One second gone... :o)
Thanks to all of you who bothered to comment, and to all of you that didn’t.
You are all welcome back.
And the winners are:
And the extra goes to:
And the extra goes to:
Congratulations. Thank you for participating!
This has been so much fun, and it isn’t over yet. Now I am of to purchase surprises’ in Pink, Offwhite and in a varaiety of autumcolours.
Next: I need snailmailadresses :o)
I need to do this more often, and soon it will be Christmas. Just 112 days to go.
And then I came across a beautiful giveaway.
Go check it out at No matter where i go...
Kjempegøy å oppdage navnet sitt på lista! Har sendt deg en mail med adressa.
Hei Nina
En mail som egentlig skulle ha gått direkte til deg fra moderen. Men pc-en til moderen har konka ut og hun strever med å gjenoppbygge linker, e-mailadresser og blogger fra Thor sin pc. Hun håper å få ny snart. Moderen lever i beste velgående, men føler seg avskåret fra syverden uten pc-en sin. Det fører jo til at jeg må hjelpe henne å kontakte folk via min PC nå som jeg er på besøk.
Moderen er Karin, Eikeland på heia :-)
Guri kor arti :-) :-) Tenk at jeg ble trekt ut - tji hi, det har aldri sjedd før, pleier ikke å vinne noen ting :-) Åh, så glad jeg ble :-)
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