Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why do we love stitchery?
I do not know the history of stitchery. But I do remember my grandma had a handkerchief with beautiful embroidery on the wall in her kitchen. Redwork she called it. Of course she did…..Everyone could see it was done with red thread, on a white piece of fabric. Easy name…The mind of a child is simple.
I accepted her explanation.
Anyway, I always thought it would have been nice if she had chosen another colour. But I never implemented her in my thoughts.

After we have had all these years in progress of techniques and equipment, we still we call it redwork.

I often wonder what she would have thought, if she still had been among us. How would she handle the way we are spoiled? We can by a lot of beautiful thread, not to expensive, and the fact that it is available in shops for everybody.

By the way. My camera is NOT working properly. Grrrr. I am going to the store again on Friday. I am not accepting the battery-explanation once more :o(
Hoping to show you all my Stitchery next week :o)


Susan said...

My mother embroidered beautifully, but she didn't do redwork. I came to love that when I saw it done by a friend who owned a shop. All these years later, my friend is passed on, but I'm still doing redwork, and hearing her in my head. =) I think there is something that is just satisfying to the soul in stitchery, no matter what colors are used, or what variety one does. I miss seeing your pictures, so you make them fix whatever is wrong, or give you a new camera!

Stitcher S said...

I just stumbled upon your wonderful blog. My grandma taught me to embroider, and coincidentally her parents were from Norway.

It's great to have a hobby we love, isn't it?