I have lost Hope.
I was surfing in blog land and a couple bloggers numbered the Christmas BOM from Gail Pan to 6 so far. Have we already done 6? Yes we have. All of them are just adorable. Now I am looking forward to number 7.
In the meantime I wanted to start the preparations of the assembling og the quilt. Then I realised my “Hope” was gone! All the others were there. I knew I hade done “hope” because I recognised the “swirls”
I searched high and low. I could not find it. I even went to the cabin, hoping to find it in my stitchery drawer. Sorry no, it seams like it is gone....
But I have not given up on “Hope”. I still hope it will surface. If not I’ll make a new one.
First I am onto the next block who will be released very soon (I hope).
Kjedelig, men den dukker nok opp når du leter etter noe helt annet:-)
Så synd Nina , jeg håper du finner den igjen. Nyderlige blokker forresten. Av og til hjelper det å ikke lete for da dukker den opp der du minst venter det. Nyt sommeren Nina....
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