Monday, June 15, 2009

Baby quilt in progress.
It is funny how new project develop. Enthusiasm is the word….

During my stay in Gothenburg I bought some magazines (ref post from Mai 30.). In one of those magazines I fell in love with some stitchery motifs. To go along with them I popped by Signes provisional shop at the NQT (need to think to remember the shops name). There I found the lovely hand dyed embroidery yarn I was looking for. I purchased the last bundle of pink thread.
After stitching these 6 lovely motives there were only 25 centimeters left from the bundle. That makes me a lucky and happy girl. It would have been so annoying to run out of threads so close to my goal.

Now these cute pieces of handcraft are being implemented in the girly baby quilt, which is growing and growing.
Next time I find a spear moment to blog, ......I might have a finish to present. Stay tune.

Happy quilting.


Merete said...

Nydelige stitcherier på babyteppet!

annemariesquilt said...

Så skjønt Nina, spennede med nye verdensborgere..

Laila said...

Dette ser ut til å bli eit flott jente-teppe.

Lappedamen said...

Dette blir nok et nydelig babyteppe. Fint med stitchery i sommervarmen! Det ligger en award å venter på deg på min blogg. God sommer.